
Thursday, December 8, 2016

IQ Testing is fun!

Have you ever wondered what your IQ is?
I have wondered what my IQ is for a long time, it wasn't till yesterday that I actually sat down and Googled "Free IQ Test" I had no idea you could do it online and for free.

Here are the ones I took, I have taken a grand total of 4, On the first one I scored 96, on the second I scored 123, on the third I scored 104-120, and on the last one I scored 109.

Not very consistent huh? Yeah not really. I think the most accurate one was probably the fourth one, on all the others the answers don't change and they are pretty simple. On the 4th? Oh boy, it was WAY harder than the others. If you want a fairly accurate IQ number for yourself I recommend taking  this one I really had to think about it and work stuff out.

Just FYI no taking notes you have to do it all in your head otherwise it would not be testing how smart you are it would be testing your note taking and how well you work problems out in your head.

I want everyone that reads this to take this test ( ) and then comment back to me your scores and we can compare notes!


That moment when...
Your iceskating and you start to fall and you decide to make it look really cool and land in the classic Iron Man pose...

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