
Friday, November 25, 2016

Been Awhile

So I have not wrote anything in like forever.... Man since I wrote last so much has happened. I started doing Lincoln Douglas debate. Most people say I am really good at it, I don't tell me. Basically what Lincoln Douglas Debate is, is *cues drum roll* Lincoln–Douglas debate is a type of one-on-one debate practiced mainly in the United States at the high school level. It is sometimes also called values debate because the format traditionally places a heavy emphasis on logic, ethical values, and philosophy *ends drum roll.* Sounds fun right? There are 2 answers and they can both be used to describe LD (Lincoln Douglas) Yes it can be fun if you don't get destroyed in the round and no if you get absolutely destroyed.
Also since I wrote last I started doing Jacob's geometry (random...) Oh yeah and the Cowboys are doing beast! (Cowboys=My team) (Cowboys=America's team)
Anyway this was just supposed to be a quick update on whats going on in my life. Hopefully I start writing more and more people start reading... But I guess if I want people to read I have to write more, and write well. Oh well that's the end on my ramblings.

That moment when...
You go downstairs at 11PM to get a drink and kick the open dishwasher door with the top of your foot in the dark...

(for the record, I used to be on WordPress, just transferring all the posts right now)

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