
Friday, November 25, 2016

Self Esteem

In today's day and age low self esteem affects between 25%-75% of people today. Up until a few weeks ago I used to be in that 25%-75%. People can suffer from self esteem issues because of being underweight, overweight, getting bullied or any number of things.
I USED to have minor self esteem issues nothing like what some kids deal with because of cyber bullying and other more serious issues, just minor negative self thoughts about my size. Small size runs in my family. My dad is 6'2" and super buff but it took him forever to get buff like he is. Like years of serious working out. 
After a while of feeling poorly about myself I asked myself this question, Is feeling bad about myself going to do anything to help the situation? The answer is an obvious NO! So now rather than feeling poorly about myself and doing nothing I have started doing stuff to help solve the issue. Also thinking positive thoughts about myself. For instance, "great job Christian, you just ran two miles non-stop in under 20 minutes!"
What could be done to solve any number of self esteem issues? A few things that should help anyone that is dealing with self esteem issues would be first of all look at who you are spending time with. Do the people you spend time with make you feel good about yourself? Do they Compliment you? If you answered no are even hesitated a little in your answer to any of those questions you may need to re-consider how much time you spend with these people. The next thing that I personally did in my road to great self esteem is I started working out. Sometimes I workout with my dad (Who is totally awesome guys!) More recently I started a little routine before a go to sleep so I am really tired when I go to sleep which has really improved my sleep quality lately. Most recently of all I have added a 1 mile sprint and another mile of speed walking/jogging which has been a great addition to my daily routine.

Those are the steps I took towards better self esteem I hope that if you are dealing with any issues related to anything that I talked about earlier that I was able to help and that you don't feel bad about yourself anymore. Remember we are all sons and daughters of the King. Kings and Queens united through Christ. We are all GOLD.
God Bless!

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